In addition to using an accredited installer, there are a few other key steps to access Solar rebates in Australia:
1. Check if you are eligible for the Rebate: Different states and territories in Australia have different criteria for eligibility for Solar rebates. Make sure you meet the requirements for the Rebate in your area.
2. Choose a Solar system that meets the eligibility criteria: The Solar system you install must meet certain standards to qualify for the Rebate. Your accredited installer can help you choose a system that meets these requirements.
3. Submit the necessary paperwork: Your accredited installer will assist you in completing and submitting the necessary paperwork to claim the Rebate. This may include providing proof of purchase and installation of the Solar system.
4. Receive the Rebate: Once your paperwork is submitted and approved, you will receive the Rebate in the form of a discount on the cost of your Solar system or a cash payment.
By following these steps and working with an accredited installer, you can access Solar rebates in Australia and start enjoying the benefits of Solar energy for your home or business.