The value of STCs can vary depending on market conditions and government policy. The number of STCs required for a system is typically determined by the Clean Energy Regulator. The STC value is deducted from the upfront cost of the system, reducing the overall cost for the system owner.

April 8, 2024by Luke0

STCs are traded on the open market, so their value can fluctuate based on supply and demand. In recent years, the value of STCs has been relatively stable, but this can change depending on factors such as changes in government incentives, the uptake of Solar installations, and changes in renewable energy policies.

In general, the value of STCs is higher for larger systems and systems that are more efficient in terms of generating renewable energy. This means that installing a larger or more efficient system can result in higher savings for the system owner through the reduction in upfront costs.

Overall, the value of STCs can play a significant role in making Solar power more affordable for consumers, as they help offset the initial investment required to install a Solar PV system. By reducing the upfront cost, STCs can make Solar power more accessible to a wider range of consumers and help drive the transition towards renewable energy.

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