Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs): STCs are a form of financial support provided for small-scale renewable energy systems, including solar panels. The number of STCs a system is eligible for depends on its size, location, and the amount of electricity it is expected to generate over its lifetime. These certificates can be sold to electricity retailers to help reduce the cost of installing solar panels.

April 6, 2024by Luke0

STCs are created under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES), which is a government initiative aimed at increasing the uptake of renewable energy in Australia. The scheme works by assigning a set number of STCs to eligible renewable energy systems based on their expected environmental benefits.

The value of STCs can fluctuate depending on market conditions, but they can provide a significant financial incentive for homeowners and businesses looking to install Solar panels. By selling STCs, system owners can recoup some of the upfront costs of their renewable energy system, making it a more affordable option for many people.

Overall, STCs play a crucial role in promoting the adoption of renewable energy technologies like Solar panels, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. They provide a valuable source of financial support for individuals and businesses looking to make the switch to clean, sustainable energy sources.

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