STCs serve as a financial incentive for individuals and businesses to invest in renewable energy systems, as they can offset the upfront costs of installation. This helps to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy technologies and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
To claim STCs, the system owner must ensure that the system meets all eligibility criteria and is installed by a Clean Energy Council accredited installer. The system must also be registered with the Clean Energy Regulator, which oversees the administration of the STC program.
Once the system is installed and registered, the system owner can create STCs based on the system’s expected electricity generation over its lifetime. These STCs can then be sold on the open market to electricity retailers, who purchase them to meet their renewable energy obligations under the Renewable Energy Target scheme.
Overall, STCs play a critical role in promoting the uptake of small-scale renewable energy systems and driving the transition to a clean energy future. By providing a financial incentive for renewable energy investment, STCs help to reduce carbon emissions, create jobs in the renewable energy sector, and stimulate economic growth.