Some common Solar rebates and incentives in Australia include:
1. Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs): These are tradable certificates that are created when a Solar system is installed. The value of STCs can vary based on market conditions and government policies.
2. Feed-in Tariffs: Some states and territories offer feed-in tariffs, where households and businesses are paid for the excess electricity generated by their Solar system that is exported back to the grid.
3. Solar Homes Program: Some states and territories offer rebates and incentives for the installation of Solar panels and energy storage systems for eligible households.
4. Low-interest loans: Some government programs offer low-interest loans for the purchase and installation of Solar panels and energy storage systems.
5. Renewable Energy Target (RET): The RET scheme encourages the generation of renewable energy, including Solar power, through financial incentives for large-scale renewable energy projects.
It’s important to consider all available rebates and incentives when purchasing a Solar system to maximize your savings and return on investment.