In Australia, there are two main types of solar rebates available:

January 30, 2024by Luke0

1. Federal Government Solar Rebate: The federal government offers a Solar Rebate known as the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). This Rebate provides financial incentives to households and small businesses that install small-scale renewable energy systems, including Solar panels. The amount of Rebate you receive depends on the size of your system and the number of small-scale technology certificates (STCs) it generates. The STCs can be traded and sold to recoup some of the installation costs.

2. State Government Solar Rebates: Different states in Australia may offer additional Solar rebates on top of the federal government Rebate. These state-level rebates vary depending on the state and may have specific eligibility criteria. For example, in Victoria, there is the Solar Homes Program, which offers rebates and interest-free loans for Solar panel installations. In New South Wales, there is the Empowering Homes Program, providing interest-free loans for Solar battery installations.

It is important to note that these Rebate schemes can change over time, so it is recommended to check the latest information from relevant government websites or consult with a professional Solar installer to understand the current Rebate options available.

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